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We pride ourselves on our longstanding relationships with our clients – many of our projects bring repeat work. Trusting relationships between an architect and client is essential through what can be a lengthy design and construction process with ups and downs along the way. It is important to us that we deal fairly and honestly with people, including our clients, other consultants, consultees, contractors and of course with each other as well. This could not happen without the commitment to quality and professionalism of our practice members.


We do not work in rigid teams within Thomas Ford and Partners which means that anyone can find themselves working for any partner and with a diverse range of colleagues and opportunities. This enables us to offer our best skills to each project, keeps us on our toes and is one of the reasons we work well together and tend to stay with the practice for a long time. We give people the opportunity to harness their creative energy to the benefit of their projects and their personal development, whether that is honing design skills, deepening a specialist interest or working towards a qualification or accreditation. It also makes for fun when we get out for some ten pin bowling or to visit a completed project.



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